The document you provided contains detailed information about Dongtai Zhijie Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd., which is known for specializing in automatic door systems and logistics loading and unloading equipment. However, it does not explicitly detail the “Terms & Conditions” of Dongtai Geajie Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. The terms and conditions typically outline the legal agreements between the company and its clients or customers, including payment terms, product warranties, liability clauses, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

To create a generic sample of terms and conditions based on the company’s profile, consider the following outline:

Introduction: A brief introduction of the company and the scope of the terms and conditions.
Product Information: Details on the products offered, including automatic door systems and logistics equipment, along with any specific warranties or guarantees.
Payment Terms: Explanation of payment methods, due dates, and penalties for late payments.
Delivery and Installation: Terms regarding the delivery and installation of equipment, including timelines and responsibilities.
Liability: Clauses outlining the company’s liability in case of product failures or damages and the extent of responsibility.
Dispute Resolution: Procedures for resolving disputes, including governing law and jurisdiction.
Amendments: Conditions under which these terms and conditions can be amended or updated.
Termination: Provisions for the termination of agreements and consequences thereof.
Contact Information: Details on how to contact the company for various concerns or queries.

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